Our Favorite Workouts: The Long Brick

The long brick is very specific to long distance triathlon. If you are preparing for a half or longer, it’s a good workout to include once every two weeks or 10 days.

The session teaches you appropriate pacing, if your fueling strategy is going to work and how to manage yourself across the switch from bike to run. It also builds the endurance you will need for a long event.

The session changes as you progress throughout your season and get closer to your key race, but the fundamental is the same: you are aiming for a long ride followed by a long run, totalling a long day.

Repeat each step until it is successful and you recover from it well, then move to the next level. Always practice your race day nutrition with these workouts!

  • Step 1: (First time doing it in a season or if you’re beginner) 2 hour easy bike followed immediately by a 60 minute easy run.
  • Step 2: 2:30 ride with some specific pace work related to your event, for example: 2-3 x 20 minutes at IM race effort with 10 minutes easy between. Run 90 minutes easy off the bike.
  • Step 3: 3 hour ride with very specific race main set, for example: 40 minutes IM race effort, 20 minutes half IM race effort, 10 minute TT effort. Run 90-120 minutes easy.
  • Step 4: 4 hour well-paced ride, 90 minute run with 60 minutes race-specific run effort.
  • Step 5: 4 hour ride with race-specific work. Run 2 hours with race-specific work, for example: 1 mile reps at goal race pace or 3 x 5km race specific pace work.

If you complete step 5 successfully one or two times in your race prep you will be ready to rock the race of your life. You will completely understand your pacing, know if your nutrition is going to work race day, and know if your equipment and planning is suitable for where you are at.

Categories: Bike, Run, Training

About Author

Marilyn Chychota

You can contact Marilyn via www.marilynchychotacoaching.com