Tag "triathlon"

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Triathlon is Boring

Don’t get me wrong, I love training. I love racing. I even love watching other athletes competing.


Thinking I’m One Behind

There is nothing quite like a big increase in stress to flush out any weaknesses in our overall approach.

Injury Prevention and Treatment

This Too Shall Pass

If you are going to play hard, at some point you are going to acquire an injury.


Early Season Racing Should Be Individualized

We use early season racing for a few reasons.

Mind Racing

Deciding to DNS

Unfortunately, I do not think there are any hard, fast rules to determining when to not start a race.


Lessons from the EC Tucson Camp

A month ago, we wrapped up our eighth annual Endurance Corner Tucson Camp. Since EC’s founding, in 2007, we have hosted more than 20 training camps in a variety of locations, with the Tucson and Boulder camps being our primary staples.


Spring Check-Up

I’d like you to add one more item to your early season check-list: a check-up. For you.


Interview with Tim Floyd of Magnolia Masters

Justin’s interview with Tim Floyd of Magnolia Masters


Treadmill Hill Workouts

I always prefer to run outdoors, but sometimes the weather or other circumstances prevents a solid workout from happening.

Health Lifestyle

Countering Bad Advice About Exercise

The extreme exercise debate has popped up again with a Danish study noting that strenuous exercisers might not have a mortality rate statistically different than the sedentary people.