Tag "triathlon"
Understanding and Making the Commitment to be Consistent
This is a great time of year to reflect on understanding what a commitment to qualifying for a world championship really entails.
Your Real Off Season
It’s the off season. What does this mean, exactly? It’s different for every athlete.
Ironman 70.3 Buffalo Springs Lake
Our course profile for Ironman Buffalo Springs Lake 70.3 in Lubbock, Texas.
The System
After watching thousands of triathlons and literally hundreds of ironmans over the years from every different perspective there is one thing that has always stood out to me.
Training Zones Summary
This article provides a good starting point for the basic physiological reasons behind the use of different levels of training intensity.
How Fast Feels
While you might not know Kona-specific race pace, I’m going to share how fast feels.
Kona Benchmarks
I want to bring some of those numbers down to a rubber meets the road perspective so that we can begin to answer the most basic of questions.
Power-Based Race Simulations
I thought that I’d share how I build a power-based race simulation rides for ironman. It’s not particularly complex (at least to me).
Specific Preparation: Part 2
The main difference between training to qualify and training to compete is the workload of the key days and the spacing of the key workouts.
Overloading for Ironman Hawaii
Qualifying for Kona requires a lot of work and, even if you have all day to train, smart overload is an effective way to get better.