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Blow it Up

My tendency when I write my articles for Endurance Corner is to keep it positive and moving forward. This one is headed in a different direction.


Your Last Run

A few days ago one of my friends died unexpectedly while running.


Big Training Week: How the Best Recover

I had a brief moment of panic the other week when I found myself in a paceline on a bumpy, rutted road behind three champions.


Competing for Health

Experiencing the gut wrenching fear of intense competition was the best thing that could have happened to me.


Rebooting Your Health for Next Season

Preparing the next season starts now with a focus on being as healthy as possible for the big weeks of training ahead.


After Your Big Race: Recovery and Reboot

This is the first year out of my five years in triathlon that I have actually needed to recover and reboot. Why?


Digging Deep to Your Best Ironman Marathon

I applied these strategies to dig deep to have the fastest marathon in my age group


Becoming a Fast Age-Grouper: Work It!

I believe there are two paths to being a fast age-grouper.


Having the Time of Your Life – Part II

I’m going to share some of the external resources I rely on to enable more efficient use of my time.


Having the Time of Your Life – Part I

One gift of long course training is that it has helped me to identify some important tenets in my life: family, health and business.