Posts From Gordo Byrn

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Mental Conditioning

If you look deeper at my recent articles, you’ll see they are about where psychology meets performance. Put simply, some people can handle pacing/nutrition and others can’t.


Fundamental Principles of Pace

I am going to share some ideas on the most common training errors that I see when training alongside folks.


Big Jobs

Triathletes, as a demographic, share an attraction to Big Jobs. I can remember the first time I ever heard about an Olympic distance race… “You swim a mile, then ride 25 miles then run 10K. That’s insane!”


Authentic Living

I’m prone to a mental trap of telling myself that I deserve to stray from what’s required for me to achieve my goals.

Health Lifestyle

One Last Ride – Longevity & Wellness

Having been around the sport for over a decade, I have had the opportunity to watch athletes, friends and coaches navigate (or not) the transition from athletic excellence to personal wellness.

Lifestyle Planning

Goals and Potential

When I ask myself, “What if I don’t achieve it?” the answer is nearly always, “So what?”


Expressing Your Potential

I want to share ideas on the role of genetics in sport.


The Gambler

Soon the most dangerous time of the year will be upon us. Why is spring so dangerous? Because winter and a lack of daylight prevent us from doing anything really stupid!

Health Nutrition Training

Big Man, Little Man, Old Man, Woman

Here, I am going to write about body composition, age and gender. Should be something to offend everyone…


Live Free or Die

One of my earliest mentors warned me about the dangers of being a one-legged stool — the three legs being work-family-self.