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Four Habits of Successful Triathletes

Anyone that spends a lot of time in the kitchen knows that there are three types of cooking: using a recipe, using a formula or winging it.


The Onseason: Debt Analysis

As someone who is debt phobic, I have had some opportunities for self-analysis. I realized that I have accumulated some serious debts that have nothing to do with money.


The Doing of Your Season Review

“The doing of the doing is why nothing gets done.”


Body Composition: Managing My Assets

Ten years ago, I was 40 pounds heavier and sedentary. Every time my daughter shows her baby pictures I cringe. I believe running and later, at the suggestion of a friend, triathlon saved my health and eventually my life.


Choosing an Elite Life

We are all guilty of starting with the wrong questions. Instead of thinking about starting a business or changing your training, I try to get people to change the question.

Lifestyle Training

Cutting Endurance Corners

In triathlon training, cutting or not cutting endurance corners can be an excellent predictor of success/improvement.

Planning Racing

Heat Wave: Crisis Management

How do we apply business crisis management to triathlon crisis management?


A Potential Disconnect

I believe that reaching our goals has nothing to do with our potential.


First Base

I am not a baseball fan. What I do appreciate about baseball is that it reminds you of what you must have in order to accomplish your goal.


Strength Training

I’d like to share my ideas on strength training. It’s a good idea to get in the gym in the off season, and for some people, it may be a good idea year round.