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Lifestyle Planning

Goals and Your Life – Do They Match?

Reaching goals doesn’t come by accident. It comes from clear planning and a real connection with what it takes to achieve those goals.


Our Favorite Workouts: Winter Gym

Done right, the gym can help an endurance athlete.


Choosing a Race Calendar to Suit You

Many of us are starting to look at the race calendar for next season.


Day to Day Nutrition – Staying Healthy and Lean

One of the most common questions I get asked is about nutrition: “How do I get as lean as I possibly can, live in my hectic life and have the energy I need to train and recover?”

Lifestyle Training

So You Wanna Be Fast?

Here’s the beauty of sport, and especially a sport as hard as triathlon: There is no secret to being fast.

Lifestyle Planning

Find Time to Get Fast

The more time you have to train the faster you’ll get.

Injury Prevention and Treatment Lifestyle

The Long Road to Recovery

At the start of 2008 I was on an easy ride, lost focus for one second and got caught up in a wheel. Before I knew it I was on my ass on the ground.


Our Favorite Workouts: Strength and Quickness

I recommend that you consider two additional key sessions within your week as the season builds on.

Bike Racing

My Thoughts on Gear

When looking at your gear setup you should be really looking at a few different things as you make your decisions on what is best for you and your event.


Group Riding

I have always included group riding into my training. The fun and friendships I’ve enjoyed over the years from group rides is something I’d never trade in.