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Some Workouts to Kick LoMo

Here are a few workouts to give you something new as you continue to hit the treadmills and trainers.

Health Training

Heart Rate Variability – Part 3: Available Tools

A variety of hardware and software tools are available for athletes and coaches who are interested in using HRV to help guide their training plans.

Health Training

Heart Rate Variability – Part 2: Application in Endurance Sports

I’ll share how and when to measure HRV and how HRV might be used to help guide your training.

Health Training

Heart Rate Variability – The Basics

In sports science circles, there has been a surge in interest recently in the use of HRV as a tool for monitoring athletes’ responses to training.


Advanced Triathlon Training

“Crash training appeals to almost everybody but appropriate for almost nobody.”


Two New Things

Each winter I try to find a couple of new things to try in the upcoming year. We had our Boulder Coaches Clinic last month and I found my two tweaks for 2015.