Tag "ironman"
A Potential Disconnect
I believe that reaching our goals has nothing to do with our potential.
First Base
I am not a baseball fan. What I do appreciate about baseball is that it reminds you of what you must have in order to accomplish your goal.
Strength Training
I’d like to share my ideas on strength training. It’s a good idea to get in the gym in the off season, and for some people, it may be a good idea year round.
Becoming a Swimmer, Not Just a Triathlete
How do you develop speed and efficiency in the water as someone who began swimming later in life?
Nutrition in the Off-Season
During this period, it’s okay to take a mental and physical break and allow ourselves a few treats
Our Favorite Workouts: Fast Twitch Fun for the Off Season
As you head into the fall and start to rest up, I think it’s a good idea to look at some fun winter things to improve yourself as an athlete.
Our Favorite Workouts: VO2max Intervals for Power and Speed – Cycling
If you’re getting the long sessions, maintaining strength and recovering well week in and week out, the next step in your race season might be to include some good solid speed work.
Our Favorite Workouts: Race-Specific Long Ride
A key session that should be a staple in your final prep for your key event is the long ride with quality sets.
Race Execution: The Art of the Taper
I have watched, listened and tried most different types of tapers over the years.
Workout of the Month: The Long Brick
The long brick is very specific to long distance triathlon. If you are preparing for a half or longer, it’s a good workout to include once every two weeks or 10 days.