Tag "lifestyle"

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Gettin’ Some

Each of us will create our own lives. You might as well do it right, in your own style.


South Pacific

The trip was a first step in reclaiming my personal freedom and it made my wife feel special.

Lifestyle Training

500 Miles

Three years ago, a wealthy friend of mine noted, “While I live better than you, you seem to enjoy the way you live more than me.”

Bike Lifestyle

Ride More

For most of June and July, I was experiencing a persistent calling to “ride more.” The strange thing is that my training load has been far above what I need to be healthy/happy.

Lifestyle Planning Training

Going Fast

In a limited time situation there will always be the temptation to do every session as fast as you can.


Fast at Forty

There are lessons that we can learn from watching how the best amateurs organize their lives.


Big Jobs

Triathletes, as a demographic, share an attraction to Big Jobs. I can remember the first time I ever heard about an Olympic distance race… “You swim a mile, then ride 25 miles then run 10K. That’s insane!”


Authentic Living

I’m prone to a mental trap of telling myself that I deserve to stray from what’s required for me to achieve my goals.

Health Lifestyle

One Last Ride – Longevity & Wellness

Having been around the sport for over a decade, I have had the opportunity to watch athletes, friends and coaches navigate (or not) the transition from athletic excellence to personal wellness.


Expressing Your Potential

I want to share ideas on the role of genetics in sport.