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Fast at Forty

There are lessons that we can learn from watching how the best amateurs organize their lives.


Big Jobs

Triathletes, as a demographic, share an attraction to Big Jobs. I can remember the first time I ever heard about an Olympic distance race… “You swim a mile, then ride 25 miles then run 10K. That’s insane!”


Authentic Living

I’m prone to a mental trap of telling myself that I deserve to stray from what’s required for me to achieve my goals.

Health Lifestyle

One Last Ride – Longevity & Wellness

Having been around the sport for over a decade, I have had the opportunity to watch athletes, friends and coaches navigate (or not) the transition from athletic excellence to personal wellness.

Lifestyle Planning

Goals and Potential

When I ask myself, “What if I don’t achieve it?” the answer is nearly always, “So what?”


Expressing Your Potential

I want to share ideas on the role of genetics in sport.


Live Free or Die

One of my earliest mentors warned me about the dangers of being a one-legged stool — the three legs being work-family-self.

Lifestyle Planning

Goals and Your Life – Do They Match?

Reaching goals doesn’t come by accident. It comes from clear planning and a real connection with what it takes to achieve those goals.

Lifestyle Training

So You Wanna Be Fast?

Here’s the beauty of sport, and especially a sport as hard as triathlon: There is no secret to being fast.

Lifestyle Planning

Find Time to Get Fast

The more time you have to train the faster you’ll get.