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Planning Training

Building Blocks: Grouping Your Training Sessions into a “Beat Down” for Best Effect

What does a “block” of training consist of and why is the block approach preferable to constant load over the season?


Anatomical Considerations in Bike Fit: Fitting the Machine to the Athlete – Part IV

What modifications can we make to our “all day” position to strike the best balance between comfort, power and aerodynamics?


Anatomical Considerations in Bike Fit: Fitting the Machine to the Athlete – Part III

In this article we’re going to complete the process by solving that one remaining (variable) aspect of the equation — your bike’s dimensions.


Anatomical Considerations in Bike Fit: Fitting the Machine to the Athlete – Part II

I’m going to delve into the nitty gritty of how to measure both your body dimensions and range of motion capabilities to come up with the ideal bike position for someone with your unique body dimensions and flex-ability.


Anatomical Considerations in Bike Fit: Fitting the Machine to the Athlete – Part I

In my opinion, the process of fitting the machine to the man is far preferable to the standard process of fitting the man to the machine


Beating Better Athletes

Here’s what I recommend if you want to breakthrough to the next level.


Are You Wasting Money?

I was in Mississippi last weekend (this week’s photo) and we ended our camp with a session on coaching.


Fit for Spring

I’d like to share some observations to help you set up your season.


The Win in Winter

I’m in the fortunate position of watching how successful people deal with the ups and downs of life.

Lifestyle Planning Training

Going Fast

In a limited time situation there will always be the temptation to do every session as fast as you can.